+90 541 207 51 6024/7 Emergency Phone
Monday - Friday9AM - 11PM

Detailed Process
What, How, Where?


Step 1

Contact us

Contact us to send us the most recent of your problem, or reports that you have.

Step 2

Get a Quote

You’ll get a free quotation and contact proposal regarding your health and travel arrangement.

Step 3


Arrange a travel to ”Clinic Saha” as per arranged quotation or agreement of the duration of the health procedure.

Step 4


After we settle on the appropriate treatment, you will receive a schedule of all your appointments.

Step 5


On your first day, you will perform the final check with a doctor before commencing necessary treatment.

Step 6

Follow up Check

Your assigned doctor might want you to stay an extra day or two if they deem it necessary to ensure quality service.

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