+90 541 207 51 6024/7 Emergency Phone
Monday - Friday9AM - 9PM




clinicsaha.com is a Clinic Saha Health Tourism Education and Consultancy Company project. Clinic Saha Health Tourism Education and Consultancy Company requests some personal information (name, e-mail, telephone, etc.) from you in order to better serve your customers.

This information gathered on clinicsaha.com servers is used only in Clinic Saha Health Tourism Education and Consultancy Company for periodic campaign activities, planning of special promotional activities for customer profiles and customer “classification” studies for not transmitting unsolicited e-mails.

clinicsaha.com does not share the information gathered from the communication forms with third parties without the notice of the member in question or otherwise.

In addition to the personal information that e-mail addresses and membership forms request, clinicsaha.com also analyses and interprets the visitors’ movements and preferences during the use of the site. These statistical data, which do not contain any personal information, can be shared with Clinic Saha Health Tourism Education and Consultancy Company business partners in order to provide a more special and effective experience to the customers.


Customer information may only be disclosed to the public authorities when such information is requested by the official authorities and if it is obliged to make a statement to the public authorities in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force.

Only the Clinic Saha Health Tourism Education and Consultancy Company can access all the information that the customer enters into the system and they are used by only Clinic Saha Health Tourism Education and Consultancy Limited Company. It is not possible for someone to reach this information and change them. If you do not want to be informed of the campaign announcements, you can easily unsubscribe from the mailing list by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the e-mails sent from Clinic Saha Health Tourism Education and Consultancy Company.

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+90 541 207 51 60
+90 545 149 73 64
+90 545 149 73 65
